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Gottmer Kinderboeken - Gonnie & Vriendjes  - Gonnie en Gijsje, Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
Gottmer Kinderboeken - Gonnie & Vriendjes  - Gonnie en Gijsje, Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu

    Gottmer Children's Books - Gonnie & Friends - Gonnie and Gijsje


    The series about the little goose Gonnie and her goose friends is delightfully heartwarming. The stories are recognizable and funny for toddlers and preschoolers, but reading parents won't be bored either! In this sturdy cardboard book, readers join Gonnie and her best friend Gijsje on a walk, in goose step! Gonnie and Gijsje are friends. Thick friends. Everywhere Gonnie goes, Gijsje goes. They are always together. Or are they?

    The entire "Gonnie" series is available in a beautiful, sturdy and fresh cardboard design that perfectly matches Oliver Dunrea's beloved, adorable illustrations. The cardboard books for babies and toddlers make great maternity gifts, and also fun to read over and over again! Also read the other eleven booklets in the series, such as "Gonnie," "Bo," "Kees" and many more!



    • Age: 2+ years
    • Author: Olivier Dunrea
    • Cardboard book
    • Dimensions: 16.8 x 16.7 x 2.1 cm
    • Number of pages: 32 Pages

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