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Gottmer Kinderboeken -  Dokter waar ben je?, Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
Gottmer Kinderboeken -  Dokter waar ben je?, Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
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    Gottmer Children's Books - Doctor where are you?


    "Doctor, where are you?" is a volume in the successful "Where are you?" series of toddler books by Ingela P Arrhenius. This volume in the "Where are you?" series is about caregiving. Learn all about who takes care of you in the hospital, such as doctors and nurses. They are hidden behind each felt flap in the sturdy cardboard book. Your toddler can use the flaps to discover everything for themselves. As a surprise, there is a mirror on the last page. 

    Ingela P Arrhenius is the well-known designer and illustrator behind several series for babies, toddlers and preschoolers such as Waar ben je en Kiekeboe. She turns each seemingly simple book into a true celebration of discovery and interactivity.


    • A search and find book for toddlers
    • Recommended age: 2+ years
    • Author: Ingela P Arrhenius
    • Type: Cardboard book
    • Pages: 12 pages.

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