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Clavis Children's Books





Clavis Children's Books

Clavis Publishing is convinced that children's books can make a difference in creating a positive future for children. After all, the world tomorrow will look like the children dream of today. Often what little boys and girls play already indicates what they will do in later life and how they will fill their role in the world. With children's books you can teach children to deal with their emotions and fears, stimulate their imagination, give them insight into their own doings, teach them the relationships between people, teach them the difference between right and wrong. 

Clavis - My piano book - Classical melodies


Clavis - Paco and Mozart - Sound booklet


Clavis- Paco is a Rock Star - Sound booklet


Clavis - Paco and the Orchestra - Sound booklet


Clavis - Toet-toet! Tinkle! - Sound booklet


Clavis- My Slide Book Coloring


My Slide Book - Family


Clavis - My slide book - The fire department


Clavis - Colors


Clavis - Potty music


Clavis - The Body My slide book


Clavis - Milan on the potty

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