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Philips Avent -Natural 3.0 zuigfles -120 ml - Glas, Babyflessen, Philips Avent, Keekabuu
Philips Avent -Natural 3.0 zuigfles -120 ml - Glas, Babyflessen, Philips Avent, Keekabuu
Philips Avent -Natural 3.0 zuigfles -120 ml - Glas, Babyflessen, Philips Avent, Keekabuu
Philips Avent -Natural 3.0 zuigfles -120 ml - Glas, Babyflessen, Philips Avent, Keekabuu

    Philips Avent -Natural 3.0 feeding bottle -120 ml - Glass


    Follows your baby's unique drinking rhythm
    A teat that works like a breast
    The Natural Sucking Reflex teat releases milk only when baby is drinking. Babies can control how fast they drink, swallow and breathe, just like at the breast. This makes it easy to combine breastfeeding with
    bottle feeding.
    Makes combining breast and bottle feeding easy
    Attaches naturally because of the breast-shaped teat
    The teat only lets milk through when the baby is actively drinking

    Other advantages:
    Choose the right feed rate for your baby
    Teat design prevents leaks and wasted milk
    Compatible with the Philips Avent range
    Easy to hold, even for little hands
    Easy to use, easy to clean and quick to assemble
    Natural Suck Reflex teats and bottles are BPA-free
    Be patient while baby gets used.
    Prevents air from entering your baby's tummy
    Designed to reduce cramps and discomfort



    • Philips Avent Glass baby bottle Natural Response
    • 1 bottle
    • 120 ml
    • Speed 2-weaning
    • 0m+

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