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Gottmer Kinderboeken  - Gonnie & Vriendjes Uitdeelboekjes (16stuks), Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
Gottmer Kinderboeken  - Gonnie & Vriendjes Uitdeelboekjes (16stuks), Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
Gottmer Kinderboeken  - Gonnie & Vriendjes Uitdeelboekjes (16stuks), Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
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    Gottmer Children's Books - Gonnie & Friends Handout Books (16pcs)

    €15,29 €16,99

    Since Gonnie and Gijsje waddled into Dutch bookstores, these little geese and their friends have been hugely popular with toddlers. High time to let all their friends enjoy their adventures. The box contains 16 mini books (4 x 4 different titles) to hand out on birthdays or when saying goodbye to the toddler group, or to give away just because you like someone.


    • Recommended age: 2+ years
    • Dimensions: 18.5 x 9.5 x 6.2 cm
    • Number of pages: 16 
    • Author: Olivier Dunrea
    • Display:Filled with 16 books 
    • Publisher: Gottmer Publishers Group b.v.

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