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Gottmer Kinderboeken - Rupsje Nooitgenoeg Babyboek, Boeken voor ouders, Gottmer, Keekabuu
Gottmer Kinderboeken - Rupsje Nooitgenoeg Babyboek, Boeken voor ouders, Gottmer, Keekabuu
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    Gottmer Children's Books - Caterpillar Never Enough Baby Book


    A beautifully executed baby album in a gift box. This 'Caterpillar Never Enough Baby Book' is a fill-in book that you will cherish all your life, just like the classic story about Caterpillar himself. This baby album can record all the milestones in the important first year of life: from ultrasound to the first birthday party.

    Eric Carle's story of Caterpillar Never Enough has been world-famous for decades. Caterpillar Never Enough crawls out of his egg like a tiny caterpillar. He is hungry, so he starts eating, but he keeps on doing so. He eats his way through all kinds of food until he is a very big fat caterpillar. Then he builds a little house and out of it he comes again as a wonderful butterfly.


    • Baby album in gift box
    • Language: Dutch
    • Binding Method: Hardcover
    • Dimensions: 28.5 x 25.6 x 2.3 cm
    • Number of pages 48 pages

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