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Gottmer Kinderboeken - Zo voelt een dinosaurus, Babyboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
Gottmer Kinderboeken - Zo voelt een dinosaurus, Babyboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu

    Gottmer Children's Books - This is what a dinosaur feels like


    'This is how a dinosaur feels' is a cardboard book with flaps and tactile spots about the dinosaur.

    These non-fiction books are designed for toddlers. Toddlers can start discovering all the animals featured in This is how a dino feels. There is something to feel on every page, such as the hard spines of a steg saurus. In addition, there are little bits of information in So Feels a Dinos that are understandable for children ages three and up.


    Language: Dutch

    pages: 14

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