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Gottmer  Kinderboeken - Wat zegt de kleine krokodil op de crèche?, Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
Gottmer  Kinderboeken - Wat zegt de kleine krokodil op de crèche?, Peuterboeken, Gottmer, Keekabuu
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    Gottmer Children's Books - What does the little crocodile say at the nursery?


    Triiing, splash splash, mjam mjam, vroem, dingdong, wèèèèh, clock clock clock clock, zzz, plop, smack smack smack, see you tomorrow! The little crocodile goes to daycare for the first time. That's pretty exciting. Fortunately, it will be a fun day, full of familiar and new sounds. At the end of the first day at the nursery, the little crocodile has had a wonderful time. Knock-knock sounds at the door. There the big crocodile is already there to take the little crocodile home.

    Eva Montanari began writing and illustrating picture books while she was a student. She works primarily with chalk and pencil. This gives her images a unique, artisanal touch. Her illustrations come to life in this sturdy cardboard book for reading aloud.


    • Age : up to 24 months 
    • Author : Eva Montanari
    • Type : Hardback
    • Dimensions: 24.2 x 16.3 x 1.9 cm
    • Number of pages: 34

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