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Van klein tot groots: Malala Yousafzai, Boeken, De Vier Windstreken, Keekabuu

    From small to big: Malala Yousafzai


    The moving story of Malala Yousafzai. This book is part of the series "From Small to Great," through which children and adults alike discover the life stories of important women in world history. Each volume shows how a little girl with a big dream grew up to become a strong woman with big ideas.

    (Mingora, July 12, 1997)
    Malala Yousafzai was born in Mingora, a city in northwestern Pakistan. Her father wanted his daughter to have the same opportunities as boys. Malala enjoyed school very much, until a terrible regime, the Taliban, came to power and girls were no longer allowed to attend school. Malala disagreed and let it be known, after which the taliban tried to silence her by force. But that didn't stop Malala. She became an advocate for girls' education and was the youngest woman ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize.


    • Recommended age: from 6 years of age
    • Author: Maria Isabel Sánchez Vegara
    • Illustrator: Manal Mirza
    • Size: 24.6 x 20 cm
    • Number of pages: 36

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