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Kartonboek, Mijn eerste woorden, Peuterboeken, De Vier Windstreken, Keekabuu
Kartonboek, Mijn eerste woorden, Peuterboeken, De Vier Windstreken, Keekabuu

    Cardboard book, My first words


    Discover, name and recognize. More than eighty everyday objects are named in this picture dictionary made of cardboard. The realistic illustrations in cheerful colors are on a contrasting white background and are depicted in their entirety, so children will easily recognize things. In this way, they will playfully learn to (re)know utensils, food and clothing from their environment, among other things.


    • Recommended age: from 1 year of age
    • Themes: learning, objects
    • llustrator: Sybille Brauer
    • Cardboard booklet 
    • Dimensions: 13.0 x 13.0 cm
    • Number of pages: 20

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